Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Terminus cont.

You know how I said some of my relationship has ended on my last post. I think I will have to retract that statement. The reason why I decided to make that decision is because I haven’t heard from this individual in a while and to me that’s a good enough reason to cut all ties between us. But I guess he hasn’t gotten the message yet.
As they say, this is a developing story and we have to wait to see how things go on from here.

In other matters making headlines, Asmahan is wondering if there is an invitation on her forehead that saying that  needs a husband. Suddenly every male on the planet who lays eyes on me wants to marry. Not court me, screw me or any nasty ideas. They are all interested in nuptials. I am going to hurt someone one of this days.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Its only the fourth month of the year but so many things are ending in my life. There's relationships, internships, my first year of graduate school  and my first semester as a lecturer.

School has been exhausting. Learning and teaching at the same time is  a herculian task. The reason why I enrolled for  my masters was to learn more but how can someone who waits on others to impart their knowledge on them, take up the responsibilty of chasing away the ignorance of others. Speaking of chasing away ignorance, I have not succeeded in that at all. My students are still as dumb as a post. I felt sorry for them. How does someone go through half a course and still have no idea what he is learning about? Its very discouraging especially for tutors who have no expirience like yours truly.

Now am tired of typing so we
will pick up from there next time.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I just remembered that i have not posted anything on my blolg for two months and it broke my heart..or whatever is left of it. So i decided to do a post this morning. Problem is i don't know what to talk about. Yes, Asmahan has nothing to say. Weird...i think i might be losing my mojo.

But not to worry, my brain comes equipped with a back up hard drive dull of stupid ideas specifically for this.

Now let’s see……..

I think I better rethink this thought of dishing out my crazy ideas. (I doubt that was a semantically correct sentence). I wouldn’t want to piss off my two followers.

These people have a great deal of patience and took their time to read my posts. But I think the main reason they are a part of this is because they have foreseen my greatness and are trying to play nice so that when my moment to shine arrives, they’d be standing next to me. I guess they haven’t realised that the spotlight would be on me. But then again, you can’t blame them for trying.  

Am starting to think this attempt in posting something today is headed nowhere, so I’ll stop there for now.